Pipe Freeze Plug Services
For over 40+ years, International Flow Technologies' (IFT) Pipe Freeze-plug services division has worked with various, pressurized pipeline networks. Whether IFT is managing large Freeze-plug projects inside the United States Pentagon, isolating the world's fastest computers system at Oakridge National Laboratory or simply freezing small copper lines in an ordinary office building, IFT has the background with many years of freeze plug experience to provide its customers with the confidence that the project will go as planned.
From IFT's preliminary job walk, the assessment of special needs and the safe completion of the pipe freezing projects, IFT's all-inclusive industrial pipe freezing services provide its customers with a safe and competent performance to complete your maintenance projects.
IFT manufactures all of its own pipe freezing equipment in-house, assuring you of the fastest response to special applications. All the while, procedures established by IFT are performed with stringent safety requirements to maintain the best standards for our customers' work to be safely and expertly accomplished.
The method of Pipe freezing allows many dependable, safe, and cost-effective avenues of pipe installation, as well as a multitude of other benefits:
■ While maintenance work is performed, Pipe Freezing can permit the continuous process system to run uninterrupted.
■ Reduces the loss of expensive fluids, such as glycols, rust inhibitor and water treatments.
■ There is no need to drain pipeline systems filled with costly fluids. Freeze-plug services enables your company from having to use the typical, costly and time-consuming venting procedures.
■ Avoids the handling of hazardous materials within the pipeline system and improves overall safety with pipelines involving tainted and unstable fluids while they are being worked on.
■ There is no need to store or transfer bulks of possible toxic and/or corrosive liquids.
Pipe Freeze Plug Process:
The process of pipe freezing requires the use of liquid nitrogen and our specially designed aluminum freeze jackets. Our specalized pipe freeze plugging equipment and techniques, liquid nitrogen is applied by controlled means to surround the pipe to freeze the liquid within the pipeline forming a solid ice plug. When the ice plug is finished forming, the plug will be able to withstand exceedingly high pressures. The formed ice plug then provides the necessary and dependable isolation of the pipeline that is needed for repairs and/or changes to the pipe. This process of pipe freezing is available and safe for use on a plethora of pipe materials and fluids, comprising of:
General Pipeline Materials:
■ Aluminium Alloy■ Carbon Steel
■ Copper-based Alloy
■ Nickel Alloy
■ Stainless Steel
■ Cast Irons
General Pipe Freezeable Contents:
■ Acids■ Alcohols
■ Coolants
■ Glycols
■ Liquid Edible Products
■ Paints
■ Water
■ And Various Chemicals
Industries That Benefit Freeze Plugs:
Multitudes of industries have a use and a need for pipe freezing. For example, industries like petrochemical plants and refineries, gas and oil production off-shore, as well as fossil fuel power generation and nuclear power generation may benefit from the use of pipe freezing. Multiple or single ice plugs can also potentially be implemented on-line in pipes up to 36" in diameter, permitting:
■ Leak Locating
■ Pipe modification or conservation
■ Valve replacement or reparation
■ Various intervention procedures
(If you are in need of a pipe plug larger than 36", please feel free to learn more about our mechanical line stop services
Typical Pipe Freezing Applications:
■ Boiler Pipelines and Condensate Systems
■ Cooling Water Pipes
■ Chilled Water Pipe Systems
■ Fire Protection Pipeline Systems
■ Heat Exchanger Pipelines
■ Hydraulic Control Pipeline
■ Process Pipeline Systems
■ Pressure Vessel Cooling Systems
■ Utility and Domestic Water Systems
■ Water Injection Lines
■ Sludge and Sewage Lines
Ice Plug Isolation Techniques:
The Freeze-plug isolation techniques that IFT employs uses controlled liquid nitrogen injections within the feeze jackets that surround the pipeline. The system reduces the risk of the material becoming brittle and weak in the process. IFT's freeze jackets provide an enclosure that encompasses the pipe while the liquid nitrogen is injected into this enclosure to form a solid plug.
The integration of the latest air monitoring equipment for workplace safety and temperature tracking tools to safely lower and raise temperatures during the process has improved IFT's pipe freezing methods, offering many significant benefits for our customers.
■ Before the intervention of the pipe freeze, the existing pipe data is recorded and entered into IFT's Freeze Log.
■ The plug's growth is tracked, so operators will be notified if any complications crop up in the machinery from excessive pipelinetemperature or flow.
■ As an extra precautionary step, the thermal stability of the ice plug may be continually checked. This precaution can send an alert to the technician if the conditions of the pipe have changed, hindering the state of the freeze-plug.
Pipe Freeze Plug Quality and Safety:
IFT uses oxygen meters for all pipe freeze plugging when performing standard pipe freezing procedures to guard against ventilated nitrogen gas and the risk of oxygen deficiency. As part of IFT's ISO9001 quality control system, the pipe freeze pluggging process is fully controlled by written procedures that are carefully fulfilled by IFT. All of our cryogenic equipment is regularly inspected, certified, and maintained to statutory requirements for the safety of our technicians, customers, and productivity on the job.
Need a pipe freeze? Call today! |
Nationwide: 1-800-221-3332Office Hours: 7:30–5:00 Central timeAnchorage, AK Delaware, DE Oklahoma City, OK New Orleans, LA Houston, TX Nashville, TN Emergency Services Available Fax #: 1-951-926-2334 |